Focus on your customer

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Put your focus on the customer and motivate your teams, 

attract talent and support innovation.

Think and feel like the customer

Find out what the customer wants, and deliver it. 

Sounds simple and obvious enough. You may still have to go through a major mind shift. Adopt design thinking, organize around value streams, use  agile product development and progressively learn what the customer wants and is prepared to pay for.

Learn to use new techniques such as persona's, empathy maps and customer journeys to get a better and shared understanding of who the customer is, what he likes, what her feelings are when deciding to use your product. 

 Focus on Value Creation

Value Management 

Productivity is not about working hard, it is about creating the right thing.  Focus on the customer means focus on outcome, not output. What value are we delivering to the customer?

Companies learn how to

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Go through a lean-agile transformation

In fact, you probably already have

Most companies have gone through an agile transformation and reap some of the benefits. But the transformation is a profound change, and the full results require years to materialize.

ADJUGO can help you move from doing agile to being agile. We thoroughly understand lean and agile, and we know how to help your entire organization deal better with the change and benefit faster from the results. We also know how to motivate teams and managers, even if their experience with agile has not been optimal. 

We can really make a difference when your transformation is stuck half-way...