Coaching and Consulting


The secret of successful change

The basis for a successful change is: motivate people to work together toward a common goal.

We coach teams to become learning and collaborating teams, able to find solutions for the challenges change imposes.

We coach management teams to clearly formulate strategic goals and translate them to initiatives that teams can realize.

We coach organizations to create a work environment where inspiring leadership and highly collaborative teams turn challenges into opportunities.

 ADJUGO can help you

 Team, management & organization coaching

Team coaching

ADJUGO team coaches focus on enabling the teams to c​ollaborate better, become more confident, take more responsibility, and better enjoy working together.

Our team coaches apply TeamGrowing and use techniques from positive psychology, solution-oriented coaching, and motivating conversation to help teams, individual members, and managers to work together in creating customer value.

An ADJUGO team coach will grow learning and performing teams.

More on team coaching

Management coaching

ADJUGO helps management teams align organizational strategies with the evolving needs and expectations of both customers and employees We focus on enhancing satisfaction and engagement of both groups.

We help management improve and innovate processes, and cultivate a positive work environment. We help adopt A.I. and benefit from the productivity increase and minimize the  disruption. 

We help management become inspiring in a fast changing world!

Organization coaching

ADJUGO uniquely works with both management and teams to create better functioning organizations, based on inspiring management and on learning, highly collaborative teams.

Well-functioning organizations need to combine a high level of empathy towards customers and employees with a relentless drive towards flow and productivity, applying digital transformation and A.I. in an agile and innovative way.

 How we facilitate


Align the purpose of an individual session with the larger goal of the facilitated group. 

Use insight into personality styles and apply this in the preparation and facilitation of sessions. 

Choose, adapt and combine the most suitable working methods and has insight into the basic aspects of facilitation.


Create shared insight so that all participants support the goal.

    Understand positive psychology and apply it to improve the results of the sessions.

Efficiently guide groups of 10+ people in making supported decisions and maximize the chance of successful implementation.


Create a safe environment where participants can share ideas and be themselves.

Promote "flow" in a session by keeping participants engaged and motivated , and ensure that the session stays on track.

Stimulate innovation and prevent tunnel vision: use creative working methods and encourage a growth mindset.


Use insights into group dynamics and coaching communication to guide participants in achieving their goal.

Motivate and inspire participants to take action and foster a team spirit.

Stimulate artful participation and allow the group to grow in taking ownership of their behaviour and the result of the session.