Training offer

Develop your Talent 

Develop the foundational skills for the future

Balance your skills

Focus and creative exploration, independence and collaboration, ...: opposite skills you need to excel at.

Develop what matters

Empathy, authenticity, inspiring others, active listening, and artful conversation: help your team act in respect.

Integrated learning experience

We offer a comprehensive platform that combines workshops with eLearning and a dedicated Forum.

Change your Behavior 

Adopt what you learn and carry the transformation

Experience the magic

Our training submerges you in a highly interactive experience that motivates you to embrace the change.

Supported by the team

Our training is social, fostering teamwork and encouraging participants to collaborate and apply what they have learned.

Integrated change engagement

Develop action plans for yourself and your team.

Agile and lean training

Agility at the team level remains the foundation of the agile enterprise. We help individuals and teams get up to speed on working in an agile environment, as a team member, Scrum Master, or Product Owner.

Scrum, Kanban, team dynamics, collaboration, agile exercises: expect an engaging and inspiring experience in our training, public as well as in-company.

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SAFe: agile at scale

SAFe is the most widely used framework for scaling agile and supporting agility at the corporate level, and its appeal and use keep increasing.

Thanks to the integration of the newest agile concepts, SAFe is the go-to place if you want to know how agile, lean, DevOps, Systems Thinking, Design Thinking, and Lean Startup integrate into a powerful foundation to run your company.

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Teams and leaders

Agile and the war on talent and hybrid working: the world of working is changing fast. To be successful requires different skills, from the teams as well as from the managers.

Our TeamGrowing training and Inspiring Leadership training address the need for these new skills in coaching and inspiration. Enjoy our interactive workshops and learn how to thrive in the new world of working.

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