Sustainable change

The challenge of change

Technological advancements, global connectivity, and rapid shifts in society create an environment where the only constant is change itself.

Adopting these opportunities and dealing with the challenges requires change, in our behavior and in the organization. And change is hard.

ADJUGO believes that the ability to deal constructively with change will be crucial to the success of organizations. We wants to help you create a mindset and environment that enables sustainable change. 

We base this sustainable change on positive psychology, energized teams, inspiring leadership, continuous learning and building strong connections between all stakeholders.

Make change an opportunity

Where we come from

Some models of change have been based on the Kübler-Ross model of grief. A change initiative comes as a surprise, as a shock even. Employees start with denial, get frustrated, become depressed at the disruption of the status quo. They gradually move ahead, experiment and learn, and finally integrate the change into their new way of working.

It is helpful to have a structured way to deal with this path. But we believe it is better to avoid negative emotions and forces and focus on creating a positive environment around change. Imagine a company culture where change energizes your employees instead of frustrating them ...

Embrace sustainable change

Sustainable change aims at establishing a corporate culture with a positive approach to change.

Learning Teams

Learning teams can adapt fast to new situations. Well-functioning teams  benefit from the diverse skills in the team and they provide mutual support to their members.

This creates a safe environment where teams and individuals no longer see change as a threat but as opportunity instead. Change becomes a positive experience.

Inspiring Leadership

Inspiring leaders enable sustainable change by providing vision and clear communication. They support individuals and teams by creating a safe and inspiring environment. They show emotional intelligence, adaptability and resilience, and motivate individuals and teams to embrace change and contribute to the overall success of the transformation process.

Lean-agile organization

Lean and agile processes help organizations to thrive in dynamic environments and effectively manage change. They emphasize adaptability, customer focus, continuous improvement, and collaboration. This aligns well with the demands of organizational transformation, enabling companies to navigate change more successfully and remain competitive in evolving markets.

Sustainable change requires a corporate culture focusing on a positive Employee Experience.

Learn more about Employee Experience