Vision and Impact

Workshops that change your team's mindset

Unlock the potential of your team with our transformative Vision and Impact Workshops! 

In today's dynamic business landscape, having a clear vision and understanding how to drive meaningful impact is crucial. Our workshops are designed to empower your team with the skills and knowledge needed to create a compelling vision that resonates with every member and aligns with your organization's goals. 

The different workshops provide answers to typical questions that live when teams get more responsibility. Focus, delegation and impact, role selection, all traditional domains of top-down management. Our workshops teach teams how to take matters in their own hands, take their own decisions, and also make clear where they want management to step in (delegation poker).

These workshops are part of the toolset that ADJUGO agile coaches bring to your teams and help grow your company culture. 

You can also learn how to use them in our TeamGrowing training.

  Impact mapping

Impact mapping is a strategic planning technique that helps organizations clarify their goals and desired outcomes for projects. It involves stakeholders in defining objectives and the impacts they want to achieve, represented visually on a map. This fosters alignment and prioritization, ensuring resources are allocated effectively, and solutions are user-focused, leading to more successful project outcomes. 

Impact mapping enhances collaboration, strategic thinking, and project execution. 

We see a wide variety of relevant things to do. How can we structure them, so that we can find the things that will have most impact on what we want to achieve?

Delegation Poker

Delegation poker is a management tool and technique designed to clarify and align the levels of authority and decision-making within a team or organization. It involves assigning different levels of delegation to various tasks or responsibilities, ranging from complete control to full autonomy, and participants collectively assess and agree upon the appropriate delegation level for each item. 

By using delegation poker, teams can foster transparency, empower individuals, and minimize misunderstandings regarding who has the authority to make specific decisions. This process enhances trust, accountability, and the overall efficiency of a team, leading to more effective and streamlined operations.

“I know I need to give space and autonomy to my team, and listen to their needs and opinions. But on some issues, as a leader I just want to take the decision. How do we find the balance?​

Consent decision making

Consent decision making is a collaborative and inclusive approach to decision-making where a group or team seeks agreement from all members rather than full consensus. In this process, members can express their concerns or objections to a proposal, and the decision is considered valid as long as no one has any reasoned and substantial objections. This method allows for a more efficient decision-making process by preventing one person or a minority from blocking a decision while still valuing and addressing their input. 

Consent decision making encourages open dialogue, respects individual viewpoints, and promotes quicker and more agile decision-making, making it a valuable tool for modern organizations seeking to balance inclusivity with efficiency in their decision-making processes.

​"I don’t want endless discussions trying to find a consensus, but I want everyone to feel heard. How do we find the balance?"

Proposal making

In Sociocracy, proposal-making is a crucial element of its decision-making process. It begins with a team or circle member proposing an idea, action, or change. This proposal is presented clearly and concisely, followed by a round of clarifying questions to ensure everyone understands it fully. 

Then, the group engages in a round of reactions where members express their initial thoughts and concerns. These reactions help refine the proposal and may lead to amendments or improvements. Once everyone has had a chance to share their perspective and any objections have been addressed or integrated into the proposal, a consent round takes place. In this round, participants indicate whether they consent to the proposal, have no objections, or have reasoned objections that need further discussion. 

This method ensures that decisions are made inclusively and aims to find accept-able solutions, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration within the organization.

How can the team make and improve proposals

 and make decisions ?

  Role selection

In Sociocracy S3, the role selection process is a pivotal element in the governance and organizational structure. This method involves identifying and filling roles within a circle or team, ensuring that each member has clear responsibilities and accountabilities. Unlike traditional hierarchical systems, where roles are often assigned top-down, Sociocracy S3 emphasizes a more participatory approach. 

In a role selection meeting, circle members collaboratively discuss and evaluate the skills, expertise, and interests of individuals, and together, they consent to appoint someone to a particular role. This process not only promotes a sense of agency and shared ownership among team members but also leverages their unique strengths to enhance the overall effectiveness and adaptability of the organization. Role selection in Sociocracy S3 underscores the principle of "circles within circles" and ensures that decision-making and responsibilities are distributed effectively throughout the organization's hierarchy, contributing to a more agile and responsive structure.

How can the team make and improve proposals and take decisions ?

Create a team vision

Creating a common vision, one that is not only shared but also deeply understood and enthusiastically embraced by all team members, requires a delicate balance that respects individual ambitions. In this process, it's essential to recognize and incorporate the diverse aspirations and goals of each team member into the overarching vision.  By aligning personal ambitions with the collective vision, teams can harness individual talents and motivations to drive shared success.

This approach fosters a sense of purpose and commitment among team members, as they see how they each can contribute to both personal growth and the realization of the common vision. Ultimately, it's through this synergy of individual and collective aspirations that organizations can cultivate a highly motivated and engaged team, poised to achieve their common goals.

​"We feel our team is not effective because we are not aligned. How can we create a vision for a team?"

How to make change happen

Learn about 9 strategies that you can use to help realize change. Look back at your own experience with change and share with others.

Learn more