Change ...

when change is hard 

 Unlock the power of change with insights from Dan Heath's groundbreaking book, "Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard."

In today's fast-paced world, the ability to lead and embrace change is essential for success. Our transformational workshop, inspired by "Switch," offers you a comprehensive toolkit of nine proven strategies to make change happen effectively and sustainably.

In Dan Heath's book "Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard," the Rider, the Elephant, and the Path represent three essential components of human behavior and the process of making meaningful change. Dan Heath argues that to make effective and sustainable change, it's essential to address all three components. By directing the Rider, motivating the Elephant, and shaping the Path, individuals and organizations can navigate the complexities of change and increase the likelihood of success.  

The Rider

The Rider is the rational and analytical side of our brain. It's the part that thinks logically, analyzes data, and plans for the future. The Rider represents our ability to make decisions based on facts and reason. However, the Rider can also be indecisive and easily overwhelmed by too many choices or complex situations. Therefore, it needs a clear direction and specific guidance to make decisions effectively.

The elephant

The Elephant represents the emotional and instinctive side of our brain. It's driven by feelings, desires, and immediate gratification. The Elephant is powerful but often impulsive and resistant to change. It can be easily scared or discouraged. To create change successfully, it's crucial to motivate and engage the Elephant's emotional side, aligning it with the desired goals and vision.

 The path

The Path represents the external factors and environment that shape our behavior. This includes the physical surroundings, organizational culture, policies, and social norms. The Path can either enable or hinder change. Modifying the Path involves making changes to the environment to make it more conducive to the desired behaviors. 

Learn to provide crystal-clear direction, set specific goals, and use data-driven insights to guide your change efforts. The Rider loves to analyze and plan, so give them a road map to follow.

Tap into the emotional side of change by igniting passion, aligning with values, and creating a compelling vision that inspires action. The Elephant thrives on emotion and needs a powerful motivation.

Modify the environment to make change easier and more natural. Remove obstacles, streamline processes, and create a supportive culture that encourages the desired behaviors.

Find the Bright Spots

Identify what's already working well and replicate those successes across your organization. Learn from what's already going right.​

Find the feeling

Tap into the emotional side of change by igniting passion, aligning with values, and creating a compelling vision that inspires action. The Elephant thrives on emotion and needs a powerful motivation.

Tweak the environment

Make small, strategic changes to the physical or social surroundings to facilitate desired behaviors. Use the environment to make the desired change more accessible and attractive.

Script the Critical Moves

Define the specific actions and behaviors required for change. Provide clear instructions and guidelines for individuals to follow.

Shrink the change

Identify what's already working well and replicate those successes across your organization. Learn from what's already going right.​

Build habits

Establish a structured and repetitive routine. Practice behavior until it becomes second nature. Support it by triggers and rewards.

Point to the Destination

Communicate a clear and compelling vision of the desired future state. Help your team understand where they're headed and why it's worth the journey.

Grow your people

Nurture their skills, capabilities, and motivation to better equip them for change. Foster development as a key element of successful transformation efforts.

Rally the herd

Build momentum by getting key influencers and leaders on board. Leverage their influence to inspire and motivate others.

Join our "Switch" workshop !

Equip yourself with these powerful strategies to become a change agent in your organization. With our guidance, you'll not only understand the principles behind successful change but also gain practical tools to implement them effectively. Don't let change be a challenge; make it your opportunity for growth and success.