Training SAFe DevOps


What is SAFe DevOps about?

A core component of SAFe is the construction of one or more delivery pipelines for product development. These pipelines are aligned with the Valuestreams in the organisation. SAFe tries to optimize the flow of value creation by optimizing this pipeline. For software development products, SAFe uses DevOps. 

In this collaborative workshop, we map the current flow of value creation in product development in your organization and then investigate, in groups of 3 to 6 people, how  to improve this flow, based on best practices described in SAFe DevOps. As a result of the workshop you will have an actionable list of prioritized improvements in your development pipeline.

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The SAFe CALMR approach to DevOps

This is the SAFe view on DevOps. 

  • A Culture of Shared responsibility: software can only generate value for the customer if it is operated in a secure and reliable environment

  • Automation of the pipeline increases speed and reliability, allowing frequent delivery of small enhancements to the product

  • We focus on Lean Flow and accelerate delivery, reducing the timeline between idea and availability for the customer

  • The delivery of new features and the adoption by the customers yields very valuable information about the product and about the customer. This information needs to be available to many different groups in your organization.

  • Recovery stands for the construction of a robust and reliable technical environment, where damage from failures and glitches is minimized through preventive measures and fast responses

Together, these elements collaborate to create an environment focused on creating value for the customer and maintaining a high level of service and value delivery.

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SAFe DevOps Health radar


An important part of the SAFe devOps training/workshop is constructing the SAFe DeOps Health Radar. During the workshop, we examine the different main sectors of the SAFe pipeline:

  1. Continuous Exploration

  2. Continuous Integration

  3. Continuous Deployment

  4. Release on Demand

For each sector, we go in detail into the best practices in each of the four sub-sectors and participants are invited to score their own performance in that area. 

Based on actual throughput time and quality in their own organization, participants get an idea of the potential benefit of the introduction or improvement of their practices in each sub-sector. This helps greatly in creating an improvement roadmap for the DevOps implementation in your organization.

Attendees learn

  • How to incorporate continuous testing and continuous security into the delivery pipeline
  • How to integrate continuous exploration, integration, and deployment, and release value to end users on demand
  • How to design and implement an actionable DevOps transformation plan tailored to your organization
  • How to evaluate and improve your current state using tools like the DevOps Health Radar and Transformation Canvas

Questions answered

  • What is DevOps and how does it enable strategic business objectives?
  • What are the mindset, culture, and technical practices to successfully define, build, test, deploy, and release?
  • How do I use value stream mapping to measure flow and spot bottlenecks in the delivery pipeline?

Contact us for in-company training

What is included

  • Course workbook and SAFe Studio 
  • One-year membership to SAFe Studio with your first class attendance
  • Platform access to e-learning modules
  • Member discussion forums 
  • Access to content, tools, and resources you need to practice SAFe every day
  • SAFe DevOps certification exam

Our References for SAFe DevOps